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Business Finances

For search and selection of necessary staff, a variety of means from the arsenal of psychological science is used : biographical questionnaires, standardized and non-standartized interviews, jobs, modelling work and situational exercises, tests on achievement, personality, intelligence and abilities, polygraphic examinations and much more.

  • The ability to manage money competently is especially valuable quality in the conditions of financial crisis, when the purchasing power of the population is shrinking, inflation is rising, and exchange courses are completely unpredictable. Below are the common errors in money matters and financial planning advice, how to manage your own finances properly.

  • This new term we increasingly encounter in certain business fields among entrepreneurs and managers. Somewhere subconsciously perhaps they know what they are talking about, but not literally. But any term should clearly defined. So let's see what it is.

For search and selection of necessary staff, a variety of means from the arsenal of psychological science is used : biographical questionnaires, standardized and non-standartized interviews, jobs, modelling work and situational exercises, tests on achievement, personality, intelligence and abilities, polygraphic examinations and much more.


It cannot be said that the use of psychological methods is absolutely devoid of any complications.Though many years of experience in the use of funds in a competitive environment influence on details such as drafting employment contracts, ensuring full motivational package.


There are some psychological techniques borrowed from abroad and their adaptation in the vast majority of cases has been reduced to minimum. As a result, practices that still somehow can be used in search and selection of personnel do not meet basic requirements of psychrometric.